44 cal. 260 gr. Colt Walker Bullet
I am very impressed with this bullet; I've got a matched pair of Transitional Walkers and this is now my favorite projectile to shoot with them.
I was lucky and the 260 gr fit into my Walker without modifying the gun or the bullets. I have a Uberti 2nd Model Dragoon coming in a couple of days. I hope they fit it as well as they fit my Walker! Will update about accuracy ASAP.
Excellent actually improved accuracy
Instead of modifying my Walker to fit the bullets, about 1-2mm to long to fit the loader, I'm going to use my Dremel tool to modify the bullets removing 1/2 of the material from each end. I do NOT recommend using more than 45gr of powder in the Walker, it's capable of 60gr but that will damage the barrel to the point of having to replace it or the revolver won't shoot... I have 2 Walkers, made checking my issue quite easy.