44 cal. Paper Cartridge Wallet Slide Top
44 cal. Paper Cartridge Wallet Slide Top

44 cal. Paper Cartridge Wallet Slide Top

Carrying a cap 'n ball revolver is not the most practical thing in our modern world of firearms. But for those of us who don't have access to or can't carry those, our wallets make it very possible. 

Gunfights rarely involve five shots at a time, and you can't just slap a mag when the gun is empty. So reloading after a shot or two is suggested if a window presents itself.  Our wallets make that really easy.

This is our Slide Top model. The lid slides back to reveal one bullet and one cap hole at a time. There is room for two caps in each hole. The lid does come all the way off, so some may prefer our hinge top model, which is like a small range box.

Customer Reviews

Based on 3 reviews
Eric Hawkins

This is a very handy way to carry a reload for a soot-belching sixgun. I’ve been using the Johnston & Dow conical bullet cast in the Eras Gone mold, assembled with this fine outfit’s paper cartridge kit (using 25gr of FFFg) and the cartridges fit nicely (and shoot splendidly!).

Jason Reichenbach
Defective Design Traps Percussion Caps - Poor Q.C. or Poor Design?

I bought a pair of the .44 Paper Cartridge Wallets with the Slide Top. I love this modern twist on an old concept! This review is based on my opinion which is a product of my observations & my experiences with these items. I've attached a video of this problem for you to see & hear for yourself.

Brand new factory percussion caps barely fit inside the percussion cap holes. Once inside, they will NOT move. They do NOT drop free. I used a small diameter drill to remove the percussion caps. I then used a 13/64 drill bit to slightly widen the percussion cap holes. They now function properly. I had to perform this remedial adjustment for both wallets for them to function properly so the caps drop free.

I immediately emailed CK's about this. I decided to leave this review since I received no response to my email about this problem. I can't be the only shooter who has encountered this issue. I hope CK's modifies the wallet line's 3D printing program accordingly to adjust the diameter of the percussion cap holes in all of their wallets to ensure a DROP FREE performance, with some wiggle room to account for the minor standard deviation of percussion cap variance across manufacturers. Although I own dozens of C&B revolvers of all kinds, I'm less inclined to purchase the other wallets in the present line due to the defective design metrics & poor quality control.

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Patrick S Jones

44 cal. Paper Cartridge Wallet Slide Top